“Dear Sister, I am so sorry I have left you to deal with our parents all alone. It’s not fair…”

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Dear Sister, I am so sorry I have left you to deal with our parents all alone. It’s not fair we have to deal with their dysfunction and drama, but it is even worse I have removed myself from it knowing you cannot. I don't know how I am supposed to balance those things. If you are angry at me, I understand. I'm your big sister and I should be there for you. I will still be there for you, just at a distance from our family. We will have a great time when you visit me later this month. Hopefully, we can put aside all of the drama and just have a fin time out on the farm as two adult sisters. I promise I won't try to mother you, I'll let you enjoy your independence while you are here visiting me. I miss you and hope all gets better sooner than later.

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