“Dear Friend, I have something I want to tell you that has been weighing heavily on my mind f…”

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Dear Friend, I have something I want to tell you that has been weighing heavily on my mind for some time, both on my heart and my mind. I fear it will damage our relationship - not the gravity of the secret itself, but that I've lied to you about it so recently. In the past six months or so, I've been doing drugs with our friend. And hiding it from you. I know this hurts you to hear and I hope that someday I can make up for it by being more transparent and upfront about my actions. I can also admit that I did not fully consider how my actions would endanger you and your family and for this, I am sincerely sorry. You know I love you and care about you. The disease of addiction makes it hard to keep that in mind when I am in the cycle of use, and I'm committed to remaining more open about my setbacks in the future with you especially because you are a dear friend and I care about you. And I know that you care about me. Part of the reason this news is so hard to deliver and must be hard to hear. I know that all I can do is apologize and resolve to do better. You are not in obligation to accept this letter of apology because it may not be good enough. There might not be a good enough apology for this kind of thing.

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