“Dear Former Friend, I’m still thinking, and let’s face it, laughing, about the “scathing tel…”
Dear Former Friend, I’m still thinking, and let’s face it, laughing, about the “scathing tell off“ you felt compelled to post the other day. I actually screen-shot it and sent it to a few of your former and my continued friends, and on reflection of conversations with them, I guess I owe you an apology. I’m sorry I contributed to your poor decision-making process. I’m sorry I didn’t do more to discourage you from moving cross-country to a place where you had friends. I’m sorry I didn’t push you harder and the fact that you had no money, no job lined up, no plans before you left. I’m sorry I introduced you to two people you so thoroughly alienated but they still shudder when they think of you. And I’m sorry I prefer to spend my vacation with my boyfriend instead of you. Sitting at your kitchen table listening to you complain about everything you could have prevented if you hadn’t run off was the worst two hours of that trip. I hope you’re enjoying another fresh start in yet another new city after you alienated all your friends. I hope the bitterness you still have in your heart keeps you company at night. And I hope that casting me as a villain in you’re unending psycho drama fulfills whatever needs you have. You don’t need to worry, you’re little outburst no longer amuses or concerns me. You’re not worth the time.