“Dear Mother, When I was a child I remember you being attentive. There were problems, but …”

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Dear Mother, When I was a child I remember you being attentive. There were problems, but you tried. Something changed when I turned 16. You started going out more and acted like the teenager I was supposed to be. There were things you told me I should not have known. You started treating me like a younger sister or friend. I'd hear details about your sex life, which I should have never heard. I wish you saw the damage you did by talking to me in such a way. By you reverting to a teenage mindset, I had to act as the adult. Not only for your sake, but for my younger brother as well. Now I am 31 years old going on 32. You are still acting the same way you did over a decade ago. The problem this time is my 81-year old sick grandmother, your mother, who you are supposed to be taking care of. You take off like you did when I was a teen, and leave me to care for Nannie. It's easy for you to do this so easily because of us living right upstairs from you. In order to stop you from doing this to me again, I've taken the steps to begin moving. We found an apartment and will be moved in at the end of the month. It's not like I want to leave Nanie. She's my grandmother for God's sake. However, if we are upstairs, you will keep pawning this off on me. For the sake of my mental health I must leave. Of course I will still be visiting. You are my family. I do love you both. Maybe this will be the kick in the butt you need. Based on your past results, I think not. Your Daughter

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