“Dear Brother, I never got the chance to tell you how I honestly felt before it became an imp…”

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Dear Brother, I never got the chance to tell you how I honestly felt before it became an impossibility. You hurt me by failing to take care of yourself. You were the older one who taught me most of what I know. You also taught me this negative habit. I struggle to take care of myself every day now. You should’ve been honest with me growing up. I couldn’t understand why our parents never taught us how to take care of ourselves. You know though. You never wanted to upset mother by saying so. By avoiding hurting mom with the truth, you also avoided hurting me and preparing me for the future. I’m angry it took so long to realize it for myself when you knew the whole time. If you admitted it and hurt mom‘s feelings we could’ve gotten you help. I would’ve learned to care for myself and not be on a similar distractive path. I don’t blame you. I don’t make Mom aware of the harm she causes either but I would’ve warned you if the places were switched. I’m sorry they weren’t and that I couldn’t save you. You’re a Little Sister

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