“To the Mother I Never Knew, How do you say hello, to someone that you can’t remember, bu…”
To the Mother I Never Knew, How do you say hello, to someone that you can’t remember, but who gave you such an amazing life? I wonder about you often. Do you think about me? All I know about you, is that you were young, when you brought me into this world. I imagine that you were afraid, that you couldn’t care for me, the way someone older could. I've brought my own children into this world, and I was afraid. I need to tell you how grateful I am to you, for making what could be such an incredibly difficult decision. I was adopted by an amazing couple! I lost my father when I was young, but my mother is the strongest woman I know. I never have had any doubts that this was the family I was meant for! I once told someone that she chose me! She raised me to know that not only was I her daughter, but that I am a daughter of God. I hope someday that I might be brave enough to find you. I want so much for you to know what gift it was, for you to give me up. I love you, Your Daughter