“Dear Society…Dear Stranger Who Will Read This, I will never meet you, neither you me. We don…”

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Dear Society…Dear Stranger Who Will Read This, I will never meet you, neither you me. We don’t know each other, that’s the one thing we know for sure. But the one thing I know is that society can influence us so much that in the end, we don’t recognize ourselves. The world is beautiful, but our society can ruin our lives. That’s what they have done to me. My voice isn’t as meaningful as it was before. My heart is broken. I am lonely, searching for love, or rather some more of this. I lost hope in our mankind. So cruel. So unforgiving. I’m so sensitive. How can I survive in the jungle made of cement and electric city? I want to be me. I am searching for the truth. Searching for a meaning. A purpose to live. To laugh again. All I need is safety. All my close friends and people are here for me, but they cannot give me the things I wish for. This letter is a sign and a call to not lose hope sometimes. Do not wish to end your life, even if you know that society sucks sometimes. Find your meaning in life. Find someone who adores you, who protects you. Express yourself. Don’t hide yourself in the closet. Show everyone that you are important. Everyone is important. Stay you forever. Stay alive my friend! Don’t lose your way. Don’t judge life because life can be beautiful. Just like you. Sincerely, Anonymous

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