“Hi, I miss you. I think I may be in love with you. Me, a wife and a mother, a part of an alt…”

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Hi, I miss you. I think I may be in love with you. Me, a wife and a mother, a part of an altogether different family, am in love with you, a husband and father of another family. You will never find stories like this, will you? Or movies? No. How can it be? For such a love story to be palatable there better be something wrong with my marriage or your wife better be a horrid, ugly person and my husband be a terrible dad and an abusive husband. Then this would make sense. Sadly, I have no such claims to make. My marriage in all sense should be flawless. Then why? Why do I have these feelings for you? I have been in pain from the time I first met you. I'm angry at myself for feeling this way about someone else. You going away is probably the best thing to have happened. Perhaps the universe took pity on me. Let's take the man out of the picture. I thought you would leave and I could breathe again. Free myself. It has been anything but. I feel dull, depressed, and lonely. You were my friend, my mentor, my confidant. You made me believe in myself. I liked (loved) the person I was when I was with you. You have been aware of my true feelings from the start probably. There are times that I hoped and still hope that you saw me the way I saw you. I know it's foolish. You're a more sorted person than I'll ever be. Thank you for not turning me away though. Thank you. Thank you for respecting my feelings. I have to let go of you, my friend. I have to move on. I know when you left you promised to stay in touch. You said you wanted to continue being friends, but let's not. You have no idea how difficult it is for me, but this is no way to live. Waking up every day wondering if you'll send a text my way. Or searching my brain for a valid reason to call you and hear your voice. I would love to be your friend without the additional pain of unrequited love. But alas, it was not meant to be. However, let me say it. Just one time. Put it out there and imagine the winds carrying my words to you. I am passionately and irrevocably in love with you. I love you. Goodbye. I hope we find each other in another life. Let's be honest, it's going to be amazing! -ME.

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