“Dear old man Teacher My first day of college was amazing. I felt, at ease and felt like I be…”

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Dear old man Teacher My first day of college was amazing. I felt, at ease and felt like I belonged. However, there had been a few times where I Questioned your actions. One example would be when you get off-topic, and happened to bring up mental Issues. All of a sudden, you started making fun of people with depression, which you clearly knew I had since I talked about it in my application. That day, you truly made me feel like shit. How could you openly make fun of someone who curs, and is considering suicide? My fellow Classmates Who I talked to knew I was depressed. I could fell that some girls knew what was wrong with me without even asking. Anyway. All of them were shocked. They all looked at me with horror on their thee and wide-eyed. Some even mouthed Oh My God! This went on for roughly half-hour before you noticed that everyone was silent and glaring, I felt so attacked and small I couldn't even talk.. I was so shocked, Then you stopped, looked at me and finally shut that wap. I walked out of the room then, crying in the bathroom. You never said sorry, which sucked. You just said that we should pray for them. Praying does nothing. I'm sorry. I prayed for my to depression to go away, but now nothing. And one last thing- I wish you would have told me straight up that MT was not for me. I failed the exam four times. Sometimes It's nice to believe in a student, But please be real with them. Love, A Future Dog Groomer.

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