“Dear friend, How have you been coping with the COVID-19 pandemic we're all experiencing? Per…”

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Dear friend, How have you been coping with the COVID-19 pandemic we're all experiencing? Personally, I feel I have been fairly lucky in my experience of it. Every day I see news about people suffering in hospitals, soaring unemployment numbers, people evicted from their homes after losing jobs, healthcare workers struggling with grueling hours and inadequate protective equipment, and survivors watching family members die from afar, unable to even visit them in the hospital. And yet all this has seemed distant from my life. I worry about my parents, but both have been practicing social distancing and staying safe. I am lucky to have a job that I can do from home, so I have not been hurt economically. In fact, I have saved money since I eat all my meals at home now and never go out to bars or events. When the lockdown started, I found myself constantly distracted and got very little done besides the new hobbles (sourdough baking and gardening) I threw myself into. But since then, I've gotten used to working from home, and actually found myself more productive than ever. I will resent having to commute again when all this is over. Overall, I feel very lucky.

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