“Dear Past Self of 2019, I come in peace to warn you. I want to prepare you, but I don't know…”
Dear Past Self of 2019, I come in peace to warn you. I want to prepare you, but I don't know how to. It is very difficult to write it all on this one sheet of paper. I hope you are able to read every word. I've put a lot of time and thought into what I want to say. Please head my words. Your heart is going to get heavier in 2020. Your school year will cluelessly end in-person on Friday, March 13th. Everything is real and broken. You will mourn the loss of connection, of a pet, of your freedom to go to Target at any time. You won't see your daughter for a long time. Spend time with your sweet boyfriend. Don't gamble away your extra money. Do buy that nice new camera. I will be your best friend, and your pictures will make others happy But some new clothes, better office furniture, and a lot of cleaning and wellness products. you will need them in a crisis, and lots of tea. God will provide for you. There is good. You will find passion and create and learn so much more than you ever have. You will enjoy the moments more. Keep your devotion and your spirit. Don't let anyone put out your flame. Everything will be ok. You'll also connect with dear friends. Mark up your bible and be prepared for a battle. Know and live your truth. Keep loving your neighbor harder. Oh, also buy all the phone charging stuff, tell people about Jesus. Educate yourself on the world issues. Be prepared but do not be frightened. Nobody expected this pandemic. We don't know what's going on or what will be but we have each other. Please take care of each other. This is temporary. Love, your future self.