“Dear sister, I have many secrets that I keep to myself. I am not proud of them. This is why …”
Dear sister, I have many secrets that I keep to myself. I am not proud of them. This is why I chose not to share my secrets until now. One thing I have never told you is that I used to live in Canada. I lived there for about five years. I was chasing what I thought was love. I married a man in Canada. He was very abusive towards me. He liked to have control over everything in my life. He would beat me until I had bruises. He made me feel worthless. I had money to get out of the situation. However, I did have a laptop with a camera, I decided to become a webcam model to earn money secretly and get out. It was shameful. I showed my body online for money. Eventually, I earned enough money to make my way back to the states. He still harassed me. I had to call the police on him. Eventually, he gave up and I was able to divorce him. I want you to know this Secret because I do not want something like this to happen to you. If you ever get in a bad relationship, I am here to listen. - Your Sister