“To My Dear Husband, I feel so guilty as I am writing this to you but I find it easier to exp…”

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To My Dear Husband, I feel so guilty as I am writing this to you but I find it easier to express myself in writing. I plead with you not to get angry when you read this but even if you do I will understand. Remember when I came to you and told you that I wanted to start my own business? I know you were very excited and happy for me and you told me you would support me in every way. You asked me where I was going to get the money from and I told you I had been saving for quite some time and I had enough to start the business. You were very proud of me and you helped me and getting everything ready. What I did not tell you is that my savings was not enough for this kind of business I wanted to start, therefore I had to supplement it with a loan from the bank. I was very optimistic and almost certain that the business would do well and therefore I had confidence that I would be able to pay the loan off with no difficulty. At first, everything was going very well and the business was at its peak stage but unfortunately, the pandemic hit, and my business was affected due to the lockdown measures that were imposed. We were forced to close our doors and go home. No income for me. Since I had already quit my job I had no income that supported me. As a result, I was unable to raise the monthly payments I was supposed to pay to my bank to supplement my loan. The bank has now been on my neck sending me emails and calling me demanding I pay their money back. This is causing a lot of stress and I really don’t know what to do. I’m so sorry for not telling you earlier and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. Your Wife.

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Writing Letter Illustration