“To My Children’s Evil Stepmother, Aren’t you glad you used his powers for good? Your own cho…”
To My Children’s Evil Stepmother, Aren’t you glad you used his powers for good? Your own choices have been your punishment. You’ve been shackled? To lies for 10 years, having to live some twisted parity of the Brady Bunch. You’ve always fancied yourself way too much for a lady whose biggest accomplishment in life is quite frankly, very boring. Even going to prison gives you more cachet than “fiery fake redhead.” (xyz) always told me he hated red hair. I was shocked when I met you for sure. You got caught with a love to last a lifetime. Do you think you’ll write him love letters in jail? I don’t think they do visits between inmates. In short, like everything else about you, you had no impact on my love for my kids and my determination to protect them and try to be a good mother. I know later when I can look back with some distance, I’ll be able to see this as just another challenge I've overcome. So don’t flatter yourself.