“To my soon-to-be ex-husband, When we stood in front of our friends and family to pledge our …”

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To my soon-to-be ex-husband, When we stood in front of our friends and family to pledge our love to each other, I never thought this is where we would end up! But the truth is, we had problems that started not long after we started dating. From the beginning, and probably for a long time before me, you displayed bad judgment when it came to money and your financial responsibilities. I tried to help, I tried to be supportive, I even lent you money to fix mistakes you had made. You seemed thankful, but after a while, your finances get worse because you continued to make expensive mistakes and you became resentful of my help and kept information frons me. The trust I had in you started to break down. Then you violated our home by trying to cheat on me while I was away for a few days. I have now realized that I had been way too forgiving for way too long. Even in the face of divorce, you have continued to lie to me and make big, expensive financial mistakes. When I am honest with how these make me feel, I know I am validated in divorcing you. I deserve better. - Your Soon To Be Ex-Wife

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