“To The Woman I Love The Most, I think meeting you might be the biggest gift the world has ev…”
To The Woman I Love The Most, I think meeting you might be the biggest gift the world has ever given me. I don’t know how you did it but you made me look at myself and where I was going wrong, the things I’ve been conditioned to believe that weren’t healthy. You revealed my codependency and with this I worked on myself to become more independent. I don’t need one particular person or to be in a romantic relationship. I do believe in being interdependent. I do need to be connected with others and I believe that the quality of our relationships with other people is what makes our life meaningful and a source of much happiness. I want to have some kind of connection with you because I love you and cherish you. You’re beautiful and special and I love who I am even more when I’m around you. You feel like home, you make me feel more alive. I fucking love you. Yours, Loving Crush