“Dear Ex Love My whole life I was concerned with being a good person land someone that my fam…”

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Dear Ex Love My whole life I was concerned with being a good person land someone that my family could be proud of I grew up seeing my sister getting hurt by her boyfriends and my mom crying because of the inconsideration of my father, I honestly believed if I worked hard enough and became a doctor that it would be enough to provide for everyone around me. During my studies toward grad school I saw a lot of death and worked over 80 hours a week. I didn't have time to talk to you much and when we did I didn't have much to share because I didn't want to bring you down the few times we talked, What you did to me is not forgivable and I regret ever having feelings for you. My family loves you and I can't get the courage to tell them what you did, I now wish the worst upon you and I hate myself every time I get a bit of hope that you are safe and being taken care of All the plans I had for us and our family is now for someone else, Isome one more deserving, and someone respectable, Good luck with your mediocre job and compulsive nature to spend bey und your means. I hope I can not care as quickly as you can because this is killing me. your Ex.

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