“To A Person I Truly Care For, We’ve been through so much. I know how cliché that sounds, but…”

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To A Person I Truly Care For, We’ve been through so much. I know how cliché that sounds, but those experiences really allow two humans to become interconnected with each other. We both know our relationship wouldn’t work but we did everything we could to save it. Maybe we started off too fast, and should’ve taken more time. But you did say yes to being my partner after three weeks of knowing each other (hee hee). I often wonder about how you’re doing. I think, for the most part, we both grew from our relationship. I have definitely changed a lot. I’m sure you can say the same. Although we no longer speak, I think that it’s for the best. I’m not sure I could ever be just friends with a girl like you. Often I find myself wishing the best for you in life though I’m no longer a part of it. There’s also some apologizing I feel that I owe to you. I know you learned of me seeing another girl just one month after we ended, and I’m sorry for that. You initiated the breakup but I wanted to have the “final say.“ It was a stupid and childish thing to do and I know it hurt you. I will always end this letter wishing you the best in your life. I wish good health and a long time on this earth. I hope you accomplish all the things we talked about so enthusiastically that you find someone who cares about you even more than I did. You will always have a piece of my heart. Your First Love

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