“To my darling, I miss you so much already. I am counting the days until I can see you again.…”

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To my darling, I miss you so much already. I am counting the days until I can see you again. Happy anniversary! That makes 16 months! I didn't forget, aren't you proud of me? I hope you're having a little celebration even though I can't be there. Have the cats keep you company. Don't let yourself be lonely. I'm counting the days until I can see you again. I've got post-it notes on my wall with a number on each one. Each day I take one down so I can count down the days. By the time this letter reaches you we'll probably have about ten days until we see each other. I bought those concert tickets for us! It's going to be great. I'll take you around wherever you want to go so you can pretend to be a tourist. It's going to be hard when you leave again because we probably won't see each other for about three months or more. I'm trying not to think about that part but it seems to always be in the back of my mind. How do you stay so strong? I admire that about you. I love you so much. Sincerely, your Songbird xoxo

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