“Dear friend, It has been a while since we last had a meaningful conversation but until you s…”

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Dear friend, It has been a while since we last had a meaningful conversation but until you say "stop" I will continue being your friend. I'm sorry growing up I couldn't do anything or say much when you asked me about what I felt about your situation. I knew growing up your skin color was basically a target on your back at our neighborhood. Every time you told me about the stares and remarks I would find ways to change the topic of conversation. I didn't know it was a big deal until it was too late. It's not like I was scared of making your situation any worse, I was ignorant about the whole thing. Even when I was there during the day after school with you and saw what the people told you about your dress and how you weren't allowed to have fun, I decided to ignore it. Even when we took the trip to the zoo together, or when hell froze over, I didn't say anything to you. I know my actions led to our eventual circumstance, but I hope you understand that I didn't know any better. If I could go back and change things I would. I would tell you great of a person you are and not to let others determine or change you. Sorry friend. I hope you grew strong from your experiences. An Old Friend.

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